Thursday, August 21, 2008

Factory Game!!

The Factory game we played today was pretty fun. We got a paper with a whole bunch of different shapes like ovals, circles, and other stuff and had to make a toy for our 'younger sibling'. The rule was that we had to use ALL of the shapes for SOMETHING and that we could only use the materials that we were given, (Crayons, glue, and scissors,) because they probably didn't have much in the 'dark ages'. When I first looked at the shapes I didn't think that there were so many options, especially when I saw that one of the shapes was a bell that looked kind of like a cow bell. I thought that everyone in the class were going to make something like that. But I was wrong, because a few minutes later I saw that kids were making rabbits, lady bugs, wedding cakes, and other different things. I went on making my cow which I think is looking pretty good and it really fits our topic because they probably had cows before the industrial revolution... So that is it-- I hope I win!!

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