Monday, February 2, 2009

Animal Farm Character Reflection

Out of all the animals in the book, I think that I'm most like Benjamin, the old donkey. For one, as an eighth grader, I don't have power over the government. Unless I get a group of people to start rebelling against something the government has done, I have no chance to change something they decided. Like Benjamin, who knew what would happen and knew that he wouldn't be able to stop or change it, I am the same. As a part of the people living in my country, I know what's right for me and what we should do, but have no power to actually do anything, which leads to my second reason. Another one of Benjamin's characteristics is that he just doesn't care. He understood that he had no power over the pigs or any of the other animals. Even though he was smart enough to understand that none of this was going to work, he decided to step aside and look at what was happening, always saying in his mind that it was all going the wrong way. Sometimes, when I hear of something that the government has decided to do, like go into a war with a different country, I disagree (or sometimes agree) that it would be the right thing to do, and sometimes I think that I could have better resolutions except fighting and violence. But seeing as I’m not the president, I can’t change anything. Lastly, I think I’m most like Benjamin because I don’t have power over the government and can’t change their decisions, also, since I don’t have power to change what the government thinks is right, I just stop caring and let them make their decisions.

1 comment:

Yoon Ah said...

Dana, this post is relevant because you have specific reasons. You said that you don't have power over the government. You have no chance to change something they decided. (But if you give your opinion, you could do it, Dana!). However, I discovered that basically, you have the same reasons. All three reasons are talking about you don't have power to change something. Maybe you could write some another reasons which can support your opinion. Overall, nice job! =)