Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injutice, and Self-determination- Animal Farm

Tyranny- Despotic abuse of authority
Injustice- violation of rights of others
Self-Determination- wanting to take over and determine the rules for yourself

One example of each of these words used in Animal farm is:
Mr. Jones was the animal's master, but they suddenly went mad and took over. They kicked Mr. Jones out of his own farm and his own house and now they are ruling by themselves, not allowing even their master to come inside his home. It was unjust of the pigs to take more food than the other animals and to trick them into believing that it was the right thing to do. It was also unjust of them to kick Mr. Jones out, because, frankly, we humans don't really understand that animals might have feelings too. We just take it for granted that they don't really understand anything, and that they don't really know anything about the life they could have if they were freed. It's like the people sitting in the cave their whole life, they don't know what they're missing out on because they don't know it exists. So Mr. Jones never even realized that it wasn't right to just not let them eat the whole day, or overwork them and then take their milk and eggs, because he never realized that they cared about it. Lastly, self-determination is practically the whole point of the first three chapters. The animals taking over the farm and making a 'government' and rules of their own is an example of self-determination. At first, there were all these 'races' of animals that lived together under the rule of humans. The animals got bored of being controlled and never given anything back, and they decided to take over the 'government' (Mr. Jones) and rule by themselves. At first, everything went OK, The animals worked well enough and produced more that what Mr. Jones and his man could do. But by the end of the third chapter, we see that the pigs are starting to take everything over and deciding the rules. They think that not they are the sort of Kings and Queens of the animals and should be getting more benefits than the rest of them. Like getting more food that others, or getting to decide all the rules. Overall, I think that Self-determination would be a kind of concluding word for the whole first three chapters.

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